Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 61-New adventures
Yesterday was a family day here with our children and grandchildren, so I did not have time for puppy photos. I did want to share some stories and comments that I have received about the puppies that have already started off on their new life adventures. As I was looking through some pictures last night I ran across this saying that I had saved. I have always liked it so I added photos of Daddy Gage, Mama Hope and baby Marlee.
I hope each new family feels that the decision that was made for the new puppy in their life was the dog they were meant to have. I certainly feel that way about the dogs in my life.
Here is some feedback I have received about the puppies that are now with their new families.
Flash/Otto---A super smart puppy, an absolute joy, fearless.
Harlow/Eve--Adapted immediately as though she were born here. Not phased by anything even the Great Dane she met.
Dash/Eiven--Made a seven and a half hour trip back to North Carolina and slept 90 % of the way, no pee, no poop, no vomiting in the crate. They are smitten with this little guy.
Sparrow---A dry and quiet night. They are very impressed and love her.
Jewel--They love their little new precious Jewel.
Kimber/Bonnie--She is doing great and has no fear of her new surroundings. They are already practicing for the show ring. Here they have her stacked on the table with her new buddy Brady looking on.
Atz Lee--I think his new name will be Tanner. He just left Saturday evening and is already winning the hearts of his new family. They said he is an absolute baby doll.
Marlee/Charlotte--I can't say enough about this little girl; she is cute, she is smart and she is fearless. I put her swim vest on and put her in the swimming pool for the first time yesterday. She took off like a rocket and swam all the way across the pool before we could get to her. I took her out of the pool, she shook off and was ready for whatever came next. She is certainly winning the hearts of our family. (pictures next time she swims)

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