Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 68--And then there was one
The last of the puppies has left the building, that is except for our Marlee. It is bitter sweet to see this come to an end but all good things must end. It has been an amazing journey for me and I hope that all that have followed this blog have enjoyed the journey. I will close with just a few pictures from yesterday as Marlee settles into her new life with just Mama Hope, Daddy Gage, Grandma Gia and of course these two old people.
New changes to the pen were made to make it smaller. The whelping box has been emptied and all of the whelping supplies, blankets and such have been boxed up for storage. The whelping box will be dismantled and stored soon too. I must say I will be happy to have my kitchen back in some order. Here Marlee has her very first meal that she didn't have to share with anyone. 
She had a lot of outdoor time yesterday and like her mother seems to prefer the great outdoors. She and Gage bask in the sun together. He is not ready to share a cushion with her yet though. He will in time. Marlee and her mother have become great playmates and spent a good part of the day in fun play. 
And now she sleeps alone with no one to cuddle with. I will say I did not hear a peep from her all night. As usual Grandma Gia gave the wake up call this morning.
So with that I will say good-bye for now and wish all of the puppies from this Last Frontier litter an amazing life journey.