Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 35--Manding

Though some of you may have doubted, I know I did, tiny puppies can learn to say please for attention. Puppy Culture calls this Manding. The only two of the eleven that aren't sitting here are  two that were exploring and weren't looking for my attention. I have had all eleven sitting at once and it always amazes me. Those of you that will be taking one of these babies home should continue this practice and just perhaps there will be Dalmatians that don't jump on people for attention.
Several puppies got a turn out of their play area to spend some time playing with their mother. She danced around them and play bowed to them and had them chase her around the room. I had to watch carefully because she played a little rough a couple of times.
Our big addition yesterday was the ball pit. How colorful and how fun to watch as they discovered yet one more wonderful thing in their world.
Gavin and his brother Dalton were here with us all day yesterday. Gavin had as much fun in the ball pit as the puppies did. Here he is with Eiven taking a turn away from the rest of the puppies. Notice how Gavin is holding his hands---he has learned that little puppies have very sharp teeth and aren't afraid to use them. They will learn in time that those teeth are not for putting on humans.
OK, I couldn't resist doing a short video so you all could see the fun.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! We can't thank you enough for sharing every day with us.
