Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 54--Balls and Bubbles
As I was thinking back over the last several weeks, I decided to go back and look at some of the early pictures of the Kidz. What an amazing journey in such a short time. This was not my first litter, though it may be my last; I have learned  much. I am anxious to see how these puppies develop over time to see how these early weeks have played a part in their development.

I came across this picture of Gavin and Jewel. I think it is my favorite of all that I have taken over the weeks of this litter. He is going to miss the puppies but he is glad that Charlotte will be staying and looks forward to helping me teach her.
Yesterday was all about the balls and bubbles. I placed the ball pit in the play yard and they had a great time. They now think that removing the balls and running around chasing each other is more fun than actually playing in the ball pit. It all became very colorful and took me a while to retrieve all of the balls.
The other fun activity was their first experience with bubbles. I had purchased a bubble machine and we gave it a try. They were mostly curious about what these new things were and confused about why they couldn't pick them up. I didn't run it for long because I didn't need sticky bubbles all over my kitchen; we will give it a try outside next time. 
Nikos was so tired after ball and bubble play that he fell asleep on the water dish. 


  1. Those little stinkers grew like crazy while I was away!!! So sorry that I missed the PUPPY PARTY!! And the picture of Gavin is one of the SWEETEST pictures I've ever seen in my life. LOVE IT!!

  2. I love that photo of Gavin & Jewel. I downloaded that one and the one of him testing the whelping box before the puppies were born. LaDonna, you are a great Grandma!
