Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 42-- Sit and Spin

I believe I have featured Findlay before but I promised his family a new picture. They are very excited to add this young man to their family and plan to keep the name Findlay. He is one of the larger puppies in the litter and only beat by Otto by a couple of ounces.
I had to make a run to Greensburg yesterday, so I decided to make a stop at a thrift store there to see what new toy I could find to add to the puppies play yard. I hit the jackpot and came home with several new challenges for these guys. They all get so excited with each new thing added.  
This is a little soccer ball and goal that makes noise when the ball hits the net and they had a grand time making it go off, chewing on the net and pulling on the ball. The thing on the floor wobbles around when they climb on it. It also calls out the colors and plays music. I know these guys are smart but I doubt they will learn their colors.
The most fun of the day was watching them on a Sit N Spin. They had no fear of the turning motion and seemed to enjoy the ride. 
Here Nikos is taking a ride while brother Atz Lee gives him a push. 
As promised I found time to get a couple out in the grass for an adventure. You may wonder how I choose who gets to do what. I pick the first two that sit for attention. Otto and Charlotte won that race yesterday. I would love to take all of them but eleven puppies running in different direction is more than I can handle. I will get more out as the week goes by and everyone gets out on Sunday when I have more hands and eyes to watch them.
Like with most things I have observed with this litter, they are very quick to recover from anything that might cause them concern. Both Charlotte and Otto were unsure of the grass and the great outdoors for only seconds before they began to run around and explore. Otto had his first encounter with a leaf. What fun he had with that. He won the leaf lost. 
This was an interesting moment. My husband was in the garage grinding on something and Otto stopped to figure out this new sound. As you can see, Charlotte is not distracted by sound. The bug in the grass caught her attention though. 
Because she can't hear, Charlotte seems much more aware of everything and it is all interesting to her. It is going to be an adventure to watch as she grows and learns.

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