Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 49---Tired
This is the beautiful Eve. From the first time Barb came to see the puppies her eye was drawn to Eve. She thinks they are all very pretty but Eve still has her eye. Barb has been breeding dogs for many years and has many champions to her name, so when she really likes a dog it means a lot. Even at this young age Eve moves like a show dog. She will draw many judges eyes to her in her career. She will soon be going to live with Hope's breeder and will hopefully become all that her promise shows now and someday pass along Gage and Hope's genes and the LUA gene to future generations.

Eiven looks like he is waiting for his boy to come get him. Eiven will be soon going to live with another young boy in Charlotte North Carolina. Gavin has done a good job getting him ready to be a great companion for Cole.
Jewel says is it time to meet my family yet? 
As you can see the Kidz are growing fast and will soon be coming over the top of the whelping pen. It is good that they will soon head off to their new lives with their new families.
I continue to put them outside on the deck each day while I go into "the pit" as I call it when it needs cleaned each day. You have no idea what a stinky mess their play yard can become even though they are nearly 100% making it to the potty boxes.  
You may notice that I just put some shavings in the little blue container not knowing if they would even use it but they had no trouble figuring out where to go. 
These are the best times. Tired puppies after outdoor play, a clean pen and all is right with the world. They have gotten so big that they don't all fit in one pile anymore.
You may notice at the end of this that it is even earlier than normal. We did not have a good night and I have been up since 1:30 am. I think the puppies are getting so big that there is not room for everyone to sleep comfortably. I will be making some big changes today or I will leave them free to be in the play yard for the night. I'm too tired right now to decide. Everyone is fed and pottied, including the big dogs and all is quiet----I am going back to bed.

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