Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 38--Two More
As I promised I got pictures of the last two, though they aren't candid pictures. It was hard to catch either of them alone so I had my husband hold them for a shot. This guy is Findlay. He is next to the largest in the litter and probably the most colorful.

This little beauty is Bonnie. Hard to say what she has on her nose but I suspect she had her face buried in the food dish. Bonnie is a very busy and entertaining puppy and will keep someone on their
Remember I told you about the small hole that Eve escaped from. Well here she is just after squeezing through one more time. What a little stinker. I couldn't wait until she was too big for the hole so I made some changes to the gating yesterday Sorry Eve.
Things that make me chuckle during the day. I often look in the play yard and see things that make me chuckle. Here is Bonnie sleeping like a frog. 
When puppies get tired they are not too particular about where or how they sleep. 
Findlay decided to pull some toys in the crate to sleep with. 
Otto found a comfy pillow. 
Each thing I put in their pen draws these enrichment seekers. This was an empty strawberry container. Now how much fun can eleven puppies have with that?  
My goal yesterday was to get started on teaching the puppies about a clicker. The problem is they each need to be worked with separately. I am sorry to say I didn't get through all eleven and the next three days are filled with visitors so we will see if I can get a few more used to what the clicker is all about.
The very best time of day is when everyone is fed, pottied, beds are clean, and they are bedded down for the night. What a sweet thing to look at.

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