Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 51--Winding Down
Jewel finds a comfy spot to rest as she watches me gathering things up for the big trip. Three crates loaded in my vehicle--check, extra bedding for accidents--check, paper towels--check, plastic bags--check, water dishes and water bottles--check--paper work--check, credit card--check--eleven puppies loaded--check. We were off. I was fortunate to have one of the new puppy parents to ride along, thank you Cindy, you are a treasure. An hour and a half drive with one stop to clean a poopy crate. Chris met us at the vets office to assist, thanks Grammy Chris. The puppies were "downloaded" into a soft crate that was placed on a crate dolly and were all rolled into the vets office. 
Here they all are as they wait their turn. You new parents would have all been very proud of your puppy. They are such troupers to handle this whole ordeal so well. No one vomited for which I am grateful. They brought lots of oohs and ahhs from staff and other clients. Each puppy was weighed before the tests and paper work completed. My scale must be off because Otto/Flash weighed in at 10.1. I doubt that he gained a half pound over night but as fast as they are growing, who knows. 
Here is Bonnie/Kimber after she was hooked up and the test had begun. As you can see, she was more curious than stressed. Needles are placed at the back of each ear and one on top of the head that electrodes are then attached to. A sound apparatus is then placed in one ear and readings are done and then placed in the other ear and that ear is tested. 
This is Jewel as a needle is placed behind her ear. The vet was amazed at how well behaved this litter was and that the whole thing took much less time than she had anticipated. I'm sure you are all wondering what the results were. Well all except two are bilateral hearing. As we knew Charlotte is deaf with only slight waves on her scans and one of the puppies was equivocal in one ear and I won't have the results on that for a couple of days when I receive the official paper work. That puppies people have been informed of the possibility of their puppy being unilateral hearing, so if you have not heard from me you know your puppy hears from both ears.
The puppies slept all the way home and after being fed they romped and played for a long time after being confined for a good part of the day. Such good puppies. I made yet another change at bed time and it seemed to work better, we all slept until 3:00 this morning. I put seven puppies in the whelping pen to sleep and left the two big boys and Charlotte out in the play yard.
We are starting to wind down this adventure now and the puppies will soon be leaving their first home to start their new lives and on to new adventures. Micro chipping is done, hearing tests done and just vaccinations to go and of course all of the paper work and putting together puppy packets for each new owner. Today will be a day of rest for the puppies and hopefully me too.

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