Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 41---Outside
What a face. Bonnie does not have much in the way of spots on her face but what she does have is a very cute tear drop spot. I suspect that face will attract many dog show judges as she begs for a win. Bonnie is destined for the show ring and we wish great things for her.
Though the puppies haven't spent a lot of time outdoors in the grass yet, they do get outside most days for a time. I have another pen out on the covered deck that they spend time in each day as I clean their play yard and sleeping quarters. Here they had just been placed out on the deck and are sniffing around checking things out. Getting them all down to the grass area will take some effort because they will need to be carried down stairs or the ramp and then placed in a covered pen because of hawks we have flying around. Sure would not want to see one carried off. My goal today---if the weather is cooperative, is to get each of them out in the grass for awhile. I think perhaps just two at a time. 
I try to challenge the puppies each day with something a little different. Yesterday I put the activity center on top of the wobble disk and the squealing pig under too. What fun as they navigated that crazy set up. They also discovered that the toys are attached by elastic bands and they could pull them, let go and have them fly. These Kidz don't seem to be afraid of much and love exploring each new thing. This is a fear period week so I have tried to be careful not to do too many scary things. A bad experience during the fear period times can last them for a lifetime.
A cardboard box is always a hit. I did have to exchange the first one I put in for this more sturdy one because they started eating the first one.
During play time Eiven saw that I was over near the whelping pen as I took pictures and he scampered up the ramp and Manded for my attention. I took his picture then stopped to pick him up for some one on one attention.
It wasn't long when Otto thought he would give that a try too. It is hard to resist them when they sit quietly hoping for a pet or to be picked up.
Chicken Elmo is a favorite toy with the Kidz. he has been knocked over, chewed on, dragged around and makes a great nap time pillow.
Yesterday was one of the days I both love and hate. I was able to tell ten people which of these puppies will be coming to join their family. I also had to inform those who would not be getting one from this litter. There are so many wonderful homes looking for a new Dalmatian puppy. I so wish I could have had one for everyone.

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